Awesome Opportunity!

Hey guys! I wanted to share a really cool opportunity! We have found a meal plan for $15. You can pick if you want Paleo, Gluten Free, Grain Free, or Classic meal plans for 3 months! You cannot beat that! Here is the link if you would like to investigate! Have fun! Deliciously Oraganic


And we are ready!!!! The reboot will start tomorrow. Just a few minutes ago we juiced for my wife. If you need to, you can juice the night before. Keep in mind to store it in a mason jar and make it air tight. Also, remember that juice can last up to 24 to 48 hours.

I’m excited! I hope y’all are too!

See you, tomorrow!


Hello! I have had a family matter that has caused delay in the start of my reboot. I had to go out of town over the weekend and tomorrow I have to go out of town again. I apologize for this delay. Crossing fingers, Wednesday we can get this going. It is SO frustrating for me, but praying soon my personal life will settle and can focus back on this.

See you on Wednesday!

In The Beginning

In the beginning there was a girl that many knew as MoJoJules. She wrote a lot about faith, personal matters, and life in general. Basically whatever struck her. Then came a life changing event and one that has started a journey no one saw coming. This life event became such a fun and crazy journey that MoJo decided to share with y’all.

Ok….enough of that. Talking in third person is just weird and not my style. By now you can tell that I am going to start blogging about. This be for no other reason then to document what I am doing, the trials, and the triumphs for myself. However, I believe in what I am doing. I mean REALLY believe in it. So, if I can convert others with me, why not!

Starting Monday I will start a reboot. I will only be drinking juices for 5 days. After 5 days I will decide to continue on to the 10 Day reboot or start a 30 day plan for being 100% paleo. As I start blogging more I will define what is juicing, what is green smoothies, and what is paleo, as I do it.   I will also be a part of a 30 day green smoothie challenge in July.  I will link to that after the reboot.  I will give links to people who influence what I am doing. If you have never heard of this or have and never tried it, I hope to be your guide. If you are already one of these maniacs I hope to learn from you and what has worked for you.

Right now, I would like welcome any of you to join me in the 5 day juicing reboot. Links will follow. I will post the juicer I have and how you may get it as well. I hope some that read this will join in the various challenges I will be participating in. It is always fun when you have others joining you! So, do not be intimidated, jump in, join, and know you are not alone. PLUS, your body is going to thank you for it as well.

Here are the links that will get you started on what to expect:

Joe’s Reboot Plans: I am personally doing the five day. Some people choose to do the 3 day, however, it should be noted that the first 3 days you feel like crap. Yeah, sorry to be so blunt about it, but ya do. Your body is detoxing and the first 3 days are rough. I really suggest going for the 5 or doing the 3 then push yourself to do the 5. However, 3 days is better than known, but I just wanted to inform you.

Reboot Plans

Also from Joe: Why Juicing and Rebooting:
Why Juicing and Rebooting

I would also challenge you to just go through his site. It has really great resources. Also, you can watch his documentary “Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead” free on his site right now. It is WORTH watching! I promise! Plus, you can sign up for his contest to win a free juicer. I am entering daily, because I really want a Breville, but it is not in my budget.

Here is a list of movies that helped me and made me even more committed to the lifestyle I have chosen:

Hungry For Change: This movie is packed full of information and challenges you. You can watch it free on Netflix or watch the first 20 minutes free here: Hungry For Change

Food Matters: Another chalk fuel documentary. You can watch it also on Netflix or watch the first 40 minutes free here: Food Matters

I think that will get you well started. I do not want to overwhelm anyone.

So, after all this and you decide you want to join me, starting Monday, but do not have a juicer. Here is the juicer I bought. I have people who have recommended this one to me over and over. One of my family members has this one and has shared how they really like this one. The best thing, it is 59 bucks! Cannot beat that! Here is the link: Juicer

Ok, here we go. I’ll be back on Monday! Ready to go and share!